The Virtuoso Core Framework is free for development purposes, as described in the Core Framework End User License Agreement and the Virtuoso Pricing page. You may also deploy applications built using the Core Framework for commercial purposes, in some cases free and in other cases subject to a 5% royalty on gross revenue, also as described in the Core Framework EULA.
This documentation describes separate technology stacks and software for the Core Framework and No-Code host platforms. The Core Framework software consists of the common elements of visual programming, including the schematic editor itself and a scalable toolbox of components delivered as Montage packages. A specific No-Code host platform, such as the C# WPF desktop application host platform is built as a plugin extension of the Core Framework. While they are distinct software elements from a technical standpoint, they are both considered a part of the Core Framework, as are the Virtuoso component and port wizards, and they are all covered under the Core Framework End User License Agreement.
Host component libraries such as the Virtuoso.StandardLibrary package are licensed according to the Virtuoso Host Component End User License Agreement. Packages licensed under the host component EULA are free to use. The embedded hardware virtualization toolkit, Virtuoso.EmbeddedToolkit.VS2019, is an exception, however. See the Virtuoso Embedded Toolkit End User License Agreement for the licensing details, and the Virtuoso Pricing page for the latest pricing information.