Virtuoso represents general purpose composable no-code infrastructure designed to enable optimum Golden Paths for a variety of workflows. Virtuoso also represents a digital ecosystem with complex requirements that are shared by other ecosystems. During the development of Virtuoso, it became overwhelmingly apparent that Virtuoso, as a digital ecosystem, had infrastructure requirements that were shared by other digital ecosystems. As a result, Montage was built as a separate infrastructure. It is designed to provide general-purpose modularity, discoverability, and orchestration for two-sided digital ecosystems and, crucially, also provide digital economy infrastructure. The first foundational concept of Montage is the generic notion of packages and ecosystems. The Montage infrastructure is not understood until the value of generic notions of packages and ecoysstems is understood.
Montage consists of a package technology that is explicitly designed to be adaptable to any ecosystem to support the concept of "packaged capabilities" in Gartner's composable business architecture. Some characteristics of Montage packages:
The last point is perhaps key to understanding the necessity of Montage as an infrastructure layer. Teams setting out to create a Golden Path will fail if they have a so-called "Day 1" infrastructure mindset. The Golden Path requires "Day 100+" infrastructure mindset, thinking about the infrastructure as delivering value not just on Day 1 of project execution, but covering the entire sofware development process lifecycle. Montage provides concurrent governance and orchestration of packaged capabilities through highly extensible infrastructure that is adaptable to arbitrary workflows.
There are more concepts to be introduced related to Montage, but with these basics we can begin to describe the Virtuoso infrastructure.