Before addressing network effects between organizations, a clear value stream realized from internal organizational use can be seen: maintanability.
The Virtuoso no-code environment represents an infrastructure-supported pre-differentiated environment where an application design can be broken down into high levels of abstraction with clearly defined interfaces between application elements. The declarative visual programming environment and Montage package based modularity enforces a composable architecture with clearly defined interfaces.
In a typical professional development team with multiple developers, devlopers may develop independent modules, but they all get lumped back together in the build process's jump from zygote to differentiated animal. The application design isn't itself maintained at a higher level of abstraction. Whereas for applications designed using Virtuoso, the entire application can be represented and visualized in the schematic editor. This makes comprehension of the application architecture and onboarding new resources significantly easier. Golden Path support for frictionless onboarding of new resources is a stated responsibility of traditional platform engineering, however traditional platform engineering does not cross the threshold of the integrated development environment or software implementation itself.
Maintainability includes maintenance of the team's tribal knowledge. Remembering the implementation logic can at best be supported by good documentation of code, but for complex software, even the original implementer may lose mental track of the original implementation and reimplement business logic, simply due to memory challenges. The Virtuoso no-code environment and declarative design pattern creates and maintains a persistent application structure with a level of abstraction that unburdens developers from keeping the entire system architecture in their head. This also is a stated responsibilty of platform engineering in the pursuit of the Golden Path.